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Exhibition: Sculpting Architecture by Michael Shaw

Though Michael Shaw is a sculptor with a keen interest in architecture, I went to see his exhibition at the 20-21 Visual Arts centre. I was really curious about how he used the space provided and wondered if it might provide any insight when it comes to my own installation. I was also quite excited because Shaw makes his sculptures specific to the places he exhibits so each one if different to the last. The gallery his work is shown in is an chapel so it has lots of pillars and interesting shapes to work with and I wasn't disappointed in that area of the exhibition.

The sculpture took up most of the room, winding around pillars which left little room for us, the audience, to walk around it. The piece inflates and deflates as you walk around and that gives the impression that it is a living, breathing entity of its own right. This actually made me think of the song about the flying purple people eater because the sculpture is large and kind of oppressive in such a compact space. Regardless, I think it was valuable to go see it as it's shown me other ways of using space to create an effect. I think I want my piece quite small, as inspired by Maud Lewis, because I want it small to be a) cosy and b) overwhelming when the UV shows because family is a lot like that.



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