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Mock Up: Exhibition Installation Painting

After a small critique with a few of my classmates and one of our tutors, it was suggested painting the entire room of my installation white to really showcase my work when the lights switch over and the Ultraviolet comes on. After an internal debate - because I wanted it to look realistic to mimic family life - I decided I think the white will work better. The idea actually reminded me of the work of Marguerite Humeau who is an artist I saw an exhibition of hers in London. She uses a single colour for all the walls and floor and the effect was really disorientating and kind of cool and though I want a different effect, I think it will look really good.

So I got some matt white emulsion and started painting the model. Ideally, I would have used a roller as the paint brushes left grooves and brush marks, however I couldn't because the model is very small and delicate. So brushes it is for this. I did two coats to really get it all the same shade as it needs to be for this to work out. I painted the chairs and table legs too because I want it to all be the same.

Turns out I'm not great at painting so I will maybe, definitely need to enlist some help when painting the walls of my final piece because I want it to be as professional looking as I can.



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