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Experimentation: Layering Imagery

I then tried an idea I'd had at the start of the drawing part of my experimentation, layering two images, one in pencil and one in UV. I chose a picture of my dad when he was young and then one of him older in Ultraviolet pen so it was more recognizable of who it is.

I started drawing the pencil version out of him as a toddler, I kept the simple style I had been using because it worked quite effectively for the UV and I think a mix of styles would just confuse and distract rather than add anything to it. I then drew the UV over the piece which turned out to be a mistake as the wet ink smudged the pencil and in some places became visible which distracts from the initial sketch. The UV doesn't really show up properly either as it is mixed with the pencil. I don't really like the effect and I don't think it works.

I then tried it the other way around, with the UV underneath the pencil. This worked better, but the pencil still smudged a little and I'm still not fond of the image. Because it's two images, the drawing for both has to be strong and I know the UV drawing isn't, I didn't have chance to draw it out before as I had been doing to show a kind of guide as the project distorts features. Maybe I'd like it, if the drawing of the UV was as good but it isn't. I also think the second pencil drawing is a lot weaker than the first which doesn't help. I don't think the layering adds anything and I don't think I'll use it in a final.

Ultraviolet pen over Pencil

Ultraviolet pen under pencil



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