Experimentation: Plate With Clear Primer
After the mini-experiment I decided to do a full plate with the clear primer, I used a wider brush but I still got defined brush marks. However, I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing, we actually have plates like, my tutor suggested adding a little bit of water to the primer or even spraying it on or even potentially dipping it into the Gesso. I think any of these options will work and I'll try using as many as I can to see the best outcome. I think I'll stick with the Gesso as it makes it feel almost ceramic and it's a lot cheaper than writing on a bisque and using a kiln. I also think the Gesso makes the ink stand out more, as a ceramic pot may absorb some of it. The clear primer definitely makes it brighter than the white which is, ironically, the complete opposite on the table cloths.
I'll try different applications, I've already tried to sponge it on and that wasn't successful but I'm hopeful.