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Experimentation: Birmingham Napkin

Over the weekend I went to Birmingham with my family and I thought it would be a great chance to record conversation, interactions and the thoughts I had whilst with my own family. For this, I got a primed napkin and one of the ultraviolet pens and wrote everything I thought about my relatives down. It was an interesting experience and there was quite a few petty arguments and bugbears on all parts, however the unconditional family love is prevalent throughout. Though I lost my chance for any real kind of shooting - my camera died because I'd forgotten to check it's charge - I recorded a few conversations but mostly kept to the thoughts I'd written.

I used the ultraviolet pens so it was more private (my mum actually asked if I needed a pen that worked when I wrote, which made me laugh) and kept to the theme of this stage of experimentation. I actually enjoyed writing everything down because it gave me a chance to process the day and reflect on my relationships within my family. For example I'm glad I can joke around with my uncle now, where before he was scared to upset me and I thought he was mean. It really showed me how relationships develop and grow as the people who's relationships are do.



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