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Statement Of Intent

I have decided to specialise in Visual Communication as it allows me to use a wider range of media, skills and processes to develop ideas and outcomes to a higher quality. Visual Communication is less client lead than Graphic Design – which I initially thought was my specialism - so I have more choice to produce work that I have a vested interest in and therefore am more motivated and inspired to produce it. I want, and am excited, to continue my studies of Visual Communication at university level with the intention of working in the industry after that.

For my final major project, I want to explore relationships through a variety of avenues with extensive research and experimentation. The aim of my project is to express what I find through research in a way that challenges preconceived ideas of modern relationships, though I want to express my own relationships alongside this. I feel Visual Communication is best to express this as I can apply what I create into different materials, experiments and outcomes, whereas a different pathway may limit and restrict my project to a single process.

For research, I intend to record conversation and situations of people around me whilst at home, college and work through writing and audio recordings. I also want to record whilst on a college trip to London, particularly whilst on public transport and out and about in busy public areas. By recording whilst going to different places, I can see if there are any specific locational factors that affect relationships as well as exploring different accents and dialect. Whilst in London, I intend to attend exhibitions relevant to the theme of my project for experimentation inspiration and for ideas on how to exhibit work in a professional manner, I will also analyse pieces that are particularly inspirational and research the artists further. I may also create questionnaires and interview those around me about their own relationships for furthered understanding, though this will be anonymous as relationships are different for everyone and as such, can be a sensitive subject to discuss.

To develop the project, I will look at artists both contemporary and historical to see how relationships affect art and draw influence from them to channel into experimentation with appropriate analysis. I intend to continue my primary research throughout the project for a constant source of inspiration and content. Though I don’t want to confine myself to any specific materials or processes at this stage, I do want to express my theme through the media best suited to the message I want to communicate which can only be found through thorough experimentation and evaluation. The outcome I produce will be displayed at the end of year foundation exhibition alongside my classmates’ pieces.

I will reflect and evaluate throughout the project through thorough self-evaluation, annotation, group critiques and conversations with both my tutors and peers – recorded by hand or verbally. I will also screenshot and photograph any changes and decisions to pieces and explain the reasoning behind them in a sketchbook and a supporting blog.



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